Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Assign Foreign Key with a Domain List

With the lookup table in place, a foreign key constraint is added to root table to ensure that the right column in the spatial table is tied to the values in the lookup table.

For example, in the case of the customers and the state_province_lut tables:

ALTER TABLE customers
  ADD CONSTRAINT customers_fk
   FOREIGN KEY (state_province_code)
    REFERENCES state_province_lut(alpha);

With the lookup table and the foreign key in place, during feature registration the foreign key relationship will be acknowledged by Bentley Geospatial Administrator. As a consequence:

  1. The feature’s property will be of type ComboBox;

  2. A domain list entry will be added to the schema;

  3. The domain list will be populated.